
The Preserve Fund

The Preserve Fund is an investment equity that puts capital into the very foundation of our business – the land parcels that make up our retreat communities and the first infrastructure and amenity placed on them.

This is the best of all investment classes – real estate at the upper end of the market – which was the only property investment to gain value during the last great economic crisis. The sites we purchase for our projects are unique and they aren’t being made any more.

The Preserve Fund is a co-investor with Elmsbridge in its projects, has first security on the ground we walk over, and because it is at the front end of the development investment – can make serious returns.

Also, investment in the Preserve Fund can provide opportunity for second citizenship or residency in the places you want to be – North America, western Europe, and the Caribbean – and you can use crypto currency to make the investment.

The Preserve Fund allows you to take your wealth, safely and
tax-efficiently, and secure it in some of the highest value residential
land in the western world. By increasing that value through expert
development and sales, and releasing it tax-efficiently, we safely and substantially grow your investment.


New Construction Begins at The Beach Houses

Maximize Your Investment: Elmsbridge Property Rentals Begin

Beach Houses Development 60% Sold Out